Sunday, February 28, 2010

What can I do to obtain my thick and healthy hair back?

Should I attend to a hair specialist?What can I do to obtain my thick and healthy hair back?
check what's going into your shampoo, many of the chemicals put in, especially ones which make the product lather, can even contribute to hair loss and thinning. (sodium laureth and lauryl sulphate, also some others) . you could try making your own shampoo, It should contain nettle and rosemary, and lots of it. Nettles make your hair grow thick and shiny and rosemary stimulates your hair folicles.

I hope this has helped =DWhat can I do to obtain my thick and healthy hair back?
Damaged hair needs to be cut as short as you can stand...a bob even and allowed to re-grow in a natural, healthy way. Weaves put stress on hair, and especially damaged hair can break, and it also puts strain on hair follicles, inhibiting healthy growth of new hair. Try clip-on hair extensions. and a smoothing serum on the damaged hair to make it shiny and blend with the extensions. Also rinse with cold water after a shower, and get shampoo/conditioner for dry/damaged hair. It will smooth down the hair cuticle. Shampoo every-other day, and only at the scalp. Tiny bit of serum (les than a dime size) rubbed all over your hands then smoothed and ran through hair...though not at roots- looks greasy- after hair is styled will shine you up! All of this should be good for giving your hair the illusion of being healthy, while the real healthy hair grows out.
trim ur ends dont use black little rubber bands it bracks ur hair the hair styler said

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