Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How can I regain my thick healthy hair from dry and thinned out due to anorexia?

Hi there, I am recovering from an eating disorder, if you have already been in recovery, than I suggest to start taking prenatal vitamins, they have really helped my hair thicken back up a lot, and made it silky again. This will also help you get a lot of the vitamins your body has been missing. If you haven't recovered, get help. My good friend that I met in my counceling group passed away last July (age 23) from anorexia, conjestive heart failure. It was aweful, she was so miserable. Here is a site with mroe information on eating disorders and has a lot of help links too

Good luck on your recovery, hope this helped for your hair!!

**HUGS** Toni LynneHow can I regain my thick healthy hair from dry and thinned out due to anorexia?
As you regain your health back by eating right your hair will eventually regain its thickness and shine. When your body doesn't get all the necessary nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy balance, all organs and body parts suffer, too.How can I regain my thick healthy hair from dry and thinned out due to anorexia?
Soak it in olive oil ,it really thickens it !
just keep eating healthy, take vitamins, and may take a while...

good luck.
The first thing is to get help for the anorexia, you need to get on a healthy diet, that alone will help your hair grow back in thicker and healthier, until the new growth comes in, you can apply conditioners to help it, one good one is Ion which you can find at Sally Hansen beauty supply stores, take B vitamins as they help hair texture and growth, don't color your hair, perm it or overdry it with a blow dryer either.
Hi need to be aware that your hair enters a ';dormant'; stage when you are nutritionally deprived. Its sort of in shock. Your body has actually gone into stress, so relieving that stress by eating healthy and also have good emotional health, will help.

I do hope that you are in recovery from anorexia. My concerns would be that you are still focused on your appearance, and that can lead into a relapse. Please, just eat right and offer yourself good mental health by what ever means are available to you (counseling, fellowship with encouraging friends, holding yourself accountable to your thoughts), and then you will see your locks reappear in time.

Be good to yourself, okay?

God bless you.
Take prenatal vitamins. It will help, trust me. But it will take a couple of months.
fish, omega 3, and mainly fatty foods, they help produce the oils needed for healthy hair! plus try john freidas brilliant brunette shampoo, i swear its hair food cause it made my hair grow loads and it felt really thick!
I agree with previous poster, keeping eating healthy.

A chewable multi-vitamin helps, and they're easy to take.
I'm assuming you have realized you had anorexia and are on the road to recovery. In that case, your hair will grow back thicker, naturally by itself. Just make sure you continue working towards healthier eating habits. Also, please visit a doctor regularly. S/he can recommend vitamins or special kinds of foods you should be eating that can assist your body in getting back to the way it was before your anorexia. Good luck =)

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