Friday, February 26, 2010

How do I know if I have healthy hair?

People say I have very healthy hair, but I don't think I do because I dye my hair every 10 weeks or so. Is there anyway I can tell if my hair is healthy?How do I know if I have healthy hair?
How often does your hair workout?How do I know if I have healthy hair?
The first answer was correct. Your hair's dead, so it can't be healthy. When people say you have healthy hair, they just mean it looks shiny and glossy and feels soft

If you're using a good dye and adding colour, that won't harm your hair at all - it may even enhance its shine. If you're bleaching it, that can strip away the hair's natural oils along with its natural colour and may lead to dry, brittle hair if you overdo it - eg every couple of weeks. But if you're only doing it every 10 weeks, any dryness can easily be prevented by using a good conditioner every time you wash it and a hair masque about once a week.

Don't listen to people who say that dying your hair is bad for it. That may have been true 50 years ago, but technology has moved on since then!
Ask your hair stylist if you want a professional opinion, but if it's resistant to breakage and not a lot comes out in your brush, that's a good sign. I've also heard that healthy adult hair should be able to stretch 1/4 of it's length before breaking. The elasticity is a sign of strength.
If you dye your hair at home, it's not as bad for your hair because some dyes condition your hair while they dye. You can tell if your hair is healthy by looking at the ends and seeing if they're split, or by feeling if your hair is dry and brittle.
healthy hair is soft and full of life, also if you do not have any split or dead ends your hair is healthy.. hair dye can damage hair but there are lots of products that can repair it :) if your hair is healthy even after dying it maybe you eat foods which help it... sounds mad huh! look:
ur hair is definitely not heathy cuz, ur dyeing 2 much!!!

Cases of un healthy hair:

Split ends

dry all times


not shinny

after u brushed it it should be ur natural style (after shower, hairdryed, not heated)
Well i dont think dying your hair is the healthiest thing to do so.... i guess if ur hair is like crusty or greesy then its not healthy.
ur hair is definetley not healthy wen u dye it but u can get iut healthier u just go to the hair salon ask them for this shampoo or spray that just like drains all the dye's u had soo far in ur life
Technically your hair is dead, so no, you don't have healthy hair.
If your hair seems really dry and has split ends, then no. If not, it is harder to tell.

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